It’s confirmed – Valhalla and New Loki servers would be merged to form a single server that retains the name New Loki. This would happen at the end of the month, almost a week after the launch of Episode 27.A Bifrost on January 23, 2012.
GM Aeon facilitated the Midgard Congress 2013
This is one of the biggest news in this year’s Midgard Congress 2013 held at Jollibee near Jupiter Street, Makati City. GM Aeon confirmed the news with bloggers and GM of different guilds from Valhalla, New Loki, and other servers.
Level Up! Games (LUG) also presented the detailed mechanics of this year’s Ragnarok Philippine Championship 2013, the upcoming episodes (patches), and Gravity’s plan for Ragnarok Online in 2013-2014.
After the launch of Episode 27.A Bifrost and the merger of Valhalla and New Loki, Episode 27.B (Meow Meow Island) would be launched. It would be followed by Episode 28 (Rise of the Ninjas) then Episode 29 (The Valkyrjas).
One of the things that I’m looking forward in this year’s update is Episode 29: The Valkyrjas. It’s divided into 3 phases:
Phase 1: The Opening of Biolabs (Lighthalzen Biolabs 3), which features the 2-2 jobs.
Phase 2.A: Level Expansion, which would increase the level cap from 150 to 160 and would give a new yellow aura for base level 160 achievers.
Phase 3: Tutorial System for New Users, which gives new interface to the Novice Training.
Phase 4: Upgraded WoE, which is intended for level 99 1st and 2nd job classes only.
For Gravity’s Development Plans for 2013-2014, it would include:
- Cash Item Expansion
- Level Expansion (Phase 2.B), which increases the base level cap from 160 to 175 and job level from 50 to 70. There would also be new skills that will be added.
- Hero’s Trial Introduction – includes 3 Memorial Dungeons like the Geffen Magic Contest, Tower of Evil Lord and the Cursed Swordsman.
- Gunslingers 2nd Job Class, which would be called Rebellion.
- User Interface Upgrade
- Raid System Introduction, which includes the Memorial Dungeon for Glast Heim (GH). It would give us the story of the rise and fall of GH.
Too bad for the other Expanded Class, like the Star Gladiators and Soul Linkers, because it seems that Gravity’s plan for these classes expansion would be 2015 or later.
I thank GM Aeon and the rest of the GM Team for giving us a preview on what to expect from our favorite game, Ragnarok Online, which would also celebrate its 10th Year Anniversary this year.
We also thank the GM Team for the generous food that they’ve given us, from Jollibee of course.

GM Anael and GM Geheimnis

GM Fenris

FAQs for the upcoming server merge between Valhalla and New Loki.

Please take note, as clarified by the GM Team during the Midgard Congress, it is NOT required to have a Passport. Valid ID will do. Thanks GM Aeon for clarifying this.

Details of the upcoming Ragnarok Championship 2013.

Episode 27.A: Bifrost, would be launched this coming Wednesday, January 23, 2012.

This map would be available only for Premium Users.

I have 3 Ninjas waiting for their 2nd Job.

Do you want to get an EF from the Champion in Biolabs?

Wow! Yellow Aura!

Now is the best time to create a new character!

My soul linkers would love this version of the War of Emperium (WoE).

This would include the Glast Heim Memorial Dungeon, which would give us an insight on the Rise and Fall of GH.

Thank you Level Up! Games for the Chicken Joy, Spaghetti, Sundae, Fries and Soda!

Here are the new GMs for Ragnarok Online. GM Aeon would retire from Ragnarok Online. We’ll miss you GM Aeon!

GM Anael at the middle with some of the representative of Ragnarok Online who attended the Midgard Congress.